
  • 教授essor of Geospatial Science, Computer Science, 和 Asian Studies

    教授essor 中国的太阳 joined Carthage in 2006. She is originally from Harbin City in northeastern China. 她得了B.S. in geography with a minor in economics from Beijing (Peking) University. 在bv伟德ios下载之前, she went to graduate school at Indiana University-Bloomington, 她在哪里收到的M.A. 在地理方面,M.S. 在计算机科学和博士学位.D. in 地理信息科学 (GIS). 教授. 孙教授的课程是 地理信息科学 (GIS), satellite image 和 air photo analysis (remote sensing), 人文地理, 以及东亚地理. She has also led multiple interdisciplinary themed j学期游学 到中国和日本的许多地方.

    教授. Sun has been conducting research projects using GIS 和 remote sensing (RS) techniques to examine l和 use 和 l和 cover change (LUCC) from the perspective of human-environment interaction. She has published in the International Journal of Geographical Information Science 和 given a number of talks at national 和 international conferences. Her recent collaborative medical 和 health geography research on Individual 和 Contextual Correlates of Cardiovascular Diseases in the United States was published in GeoJournal.

    教授. Sun is passionate about integrating teaching, 奖学金, 和 service through high-impact practices, such as service-learning 和 undergraduate research, 和 applying GIS 和 RS to a wider range of economic, 社会, 环境, 以及最近的公共健康研究. She has developed collaborative applied research opportunities with the 出赛 County Health Department on using GIS 和 spatial analysis to identify high-risk neighborhoods for the 出赛-拉辛 Lead-Free Communities Partnership Program. She has worked with students on Assessing the Effect of Brownfield Redevelopment on Surrounding Residential Property 值 in Milwaukee using GIS, which resulted in a publication in Moravian Geographical Reports. 2012年至2022年, 79 such service-learning projects have been completed, through collaboration with a wide array of community partners, 从地方到国家, 包括政府机构, 非营利组织, 小型企业.

    Some of her recent projects (United Way initiatives, Shalom Center meal distribution site selection, 阿片类药物的危机, Foxconn) have received extensive media attention 和 coverages on regional 和 local TV, 广播, 报纸, 和杂志. Her student researchers have presented at Posters on the Hill, National Council for Undergraduate 研究 (NCUR) annual conferences, Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conferences, 和 Celebration of Scholars at BETVLCTOR伟德登录.

    在她的业余时间,教授. Sun enjoys traveling, l和scape photography, cooking, 和 badminton.

    • Ph.D. — Geographic Information Science, Indiana University-Bloomington
    • M.A. — 地理位置, Indiana University-Bloomington
    • M.S. — Computer Science, Indiana University-Bloomington
    • B.S. — 地理位置, minor in Economics, Beijing University
    • GEO 1500: Human 地理位置: An Introduction
    • GEO 1610: Introduction to Geographic Information Science: Mapping Your World
    • GEO 2610: Advanced Geographic Information Science 和 Analytical Cartography
    • GEO 2700: Satellite Image 和 Air Photo Analysis
    • GEO 2800:东亚地理
    • GEO 3610: Applied Projects in Geographic Information Science
    • GEO 4000: Senior Seminar in Geospatial Science
    • GEO 4500: Independent Study in Geospatial Science
    • GEO 4900:地球空间科学研究
    • Geographic Information Science; 遥感, Spatial Data Science
    • Environmental Health, Health 和 Medical 地理位置, Public Health
    • China, Japan, East Asia, Regional Economic Development
    • L和 use 和 l和 cover change analysis 和 modeling; Spatially explicit decision-making lab experiments 和 experimental economics
    • Human-environment interactions; L和scape Ecology
    • BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Natural Science Division Summer Undergraduate 研究 Experience grant: An investigation of the spatiotemporal patterns, 趋势, 动力学, 和 potential explanations of COVID-19 in the U.S. at the county level through GIS 和 spatial statistics (2021).
    • BETVLCTOR伟德登录 教师 研究, Scholarship, & Creativity Grant (together with Joy Mast 和 马特左恩): Integrating GIS (Geographic Information Science) 和 地球科学 for Teaching 和 研究, $2300 (2020-2021).
    • Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Higher 教育 Incentives Grant titled “Integrating 地球科学, 遥感, 和 GIS for Undergraduate Teaching 和 研究”, $24,016.57 (PI: Matthew Zorn, Geospatial Science/GIS Lead: 中国的太阳) (2020-2021).
    •  教师 mentor of 地理位置 和 Earth Science major John Warnock’s presentation titled “Is Cycling as an Active Transportation More than Environmentally Friendly? – Impacts of Bicycle Networks on Property 值 in Madison, WI” at the 20th annual Posters on the Hill event, a highly selective poster session sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate 研究 (CUR), 总部设在华盛顿特区.C. (2016) .
    • BETVLCTOR伟德登录 教师 研究 和 Development Grant: Bridging Global Learning, 公民参与, 和 Undergraduate 研究- Exploring Sites 和 Projects in Northeastern China, $1450 (2011-2012).
    • BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Natural Science Division Summer Undergraduate 研究 Experience grant: Assessing the Effect of Brownfield Redevelopment Projects on Surrounding Property 值 in Milwaukee Using GIS 和 Spatial Analysis (2011).
    • BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Natural Science Division Summer Undergraduate 研究 Experience grant: Using GIS 和 Spatial Analyses to Identify High-Risk Neighborhoods for the 出赛-拉辛 Lead Free Communities Partnership Program (2008).
    • 太阳,W.龚,G.,徐杰。., 2019: Individual 和 Contextual Correlates of Cardiovascular Diseases among 成人s in the United States: A Geospatial 和 Multilevel Analysis. GeoJournal. DOI 10.1007/s10708-019-10049-7
    • 太阳,W. 琼斯,B。., 2013: Using multi-scale spatial 和 statistical analysis to assess the effects of brownfield redevelopment on surrounding residential property values in Milwaukee County, 美国. Moravian Geographical Reports 21 (2): 56-64.
    • W. Sun, 2010: To Dominate or to Engage: Developing the Right Relationship with a non-Asianist Colleague. 网络通信学报(1):61-67.
    • 埃文斯,T. P., W. 太阳和H. 凯利, 2006: Spatially explicit experiments for the exploration of l和-use decision-making 动力学. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 20 (9): 1013-1037.
    • 中国的太阳, 2022: Engaging applied GIS project combining field data collection with high precision GPS 和 web app creation. Presented at AAG annual conference 2022, Virtual, 2月ruary 25, 2022.
    • 中国的太阳, 2021: Seeing Asia in 3D 和 4D. Presented at the 28th Annual ASIANetwork Conference, Virtual, April 18, 2021. 
    • 中国的太阳, 马特左恩, 和Joy Mast, 2021:桥接GIS, RS, 和 地球科学 teaching 和 research at a liberal arts college. Presented at AAG annual conference 2021, Virtual, April 9, 2021. 
    • 特邀教授演讲. Tsen’s Intro to Asian Studies class, Virtual, April 24, 2020. 
    • 中国的太阳, 卡尔麦考密克, 茱莉亚Karpinski, 凯瑟琳·科克伦, 特里斯坦Ottenfeld, 亚当·柯蒂斯, 2020: Who were the most impacted by prescription opioids in Wisconsin 2006-2012: A spatiotemporal GIS analysis. Presented at AAG annual conference 2020, Virtual, April 6-10, 2020. 
    • Invited talk to BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Data Science Club, 出赛, WI, September 30, 2019.
    • “多样化”环节的小组成员, 创新, Creative Study of the World’s Most Dynamic Region” at the BETVLCTOR伟德登录 1st Aspire Conference, 出赛, WI, 9月27日, 2019. 
    • Panelist representing BETVLCTOR伟德登录 in the session “Leveraging Big Data for Better Analysis 和 Decision-making” at the 拉辛 Smart Cities Conference, 拉辛, WI, 9月12日, 2019. 
    • Panelist in the session “Do I Make Myself Clear? Media Training Workshop for BETVLCTOR伟德登录 教师” at the 2019 BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Fall Conference on Teaching & 2019年8月22日,威斯康星州基诺沙. 
    • 太阳,W., 2019: Conducting virtual field trips 和 spatially explicit field/survey data collection: Google VR 和 GPS-enabled mobile apps. Presented at the 27th Annual ASIANetwork Conference, San Diego, CA, April 13, 2019.
    • Wonsil J. 太阳,W., 2019: A Spatio-Temporal Visualization 和 Clustering Analysis of Leukemia 和 Lymphoma in the United States. Presented at AAG annual conference 2019, Washington D.C.2019年4月4日.
    • Invited speaker in the Chinese New Year Celebration series hosted by the Chinese Club, gave a talk titled “Chinese Regional Cuisine”, 出赛, WI, 2月. 13, 2019. 
    • Wonsil J. 太阳,W., 2018: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Leukemia 和 Lymphoma in the United States. Presented at AAG annual conference 2018, New Orleans, LA, April 13, 2018.
    • Invited speaker 和 panelist in a public session organized by BETVLCTOR伟德登录 titled “FoxConn in Wisconsin: Impacts on Local Government, 地理位置, 和政策”, 出赛, WI, 3月14日, 2018. 
    • Invited speaker in the Chinese New Year Celebration series by the Chinese Club, gave a talk titled “Chinese Cuisine – one name, 许多口味”, 出赛, WI, 2月. 12, 2018. 
    • 太阳,W., 2017: Google Earth 虚拟之旅s 和 ESRI Story Maps: making your short-term study abroad tours alive 和 shareable. Presented at the 25th Annual ASIANetwork Conference, Oak Brook, IL, April 8, 2017. 
    • 太阳,W., 2017: Applications of Web 和 Mobile GIS in Service Learning Projects, 游学和实地方法课程. Presented at AAG annual conference 2017, Boston, MA, April 6, 2017. 
    • 太阳,W., 2017: Chinese Cuisine 和 Geographical Variations. An invited talk to the BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Chinese Club, March 3, 2017.
    • 太阳,W.,徐杰. 和龚菲., 2016: Contextual risk factors of heart disease in U.S. 县- a spatial 和 statistical analysis. Presented at AAG annual conference 2016, San Francisco, CA, March 30, 2016.
    • 太阳,W.,徐杰. 和龚菲., 2015: Racial Differences in Individual 和 Contextual Predictors of Physical 和 Mental Health. Presented at the 143rd APHA (American Public Health Association) Annual Meeting 和 Exposition, 芝加哥, IL, 11月2日, 2015. 
    • Invited speaker in a session titled “Incorporating Service Learning into Your 课程” by Karen Howell at the 2015 BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Fall Conference on Teaching & 2015年8月27日,威斯康星州基诺沙.
    • 太阳,W.2015年:谁需要我们的帮助? –challenges to set up service-learning projects. Presented at ESRI 教育 GIS Conference, San Diego, CA, July 18, 2015. 
    • 太阳,W., 2015: Exploring the spatial patterns of heart disease 和 its 社会 和 环境 risk factors in U.S. 县. Presented at AAG annual conference 2015, 芝加哥, IL, April 21, 2015.