bv伟德ios下载学院乐队, 美国最古老的大学乐队之一, was established as a 黄铜 band in 1873 under the leadership of Professor J. M. 海尔瑞迟. 从一个简陋的六人铜管乐团开始, the band has grown to now include two large ensembles — 风乐团, 管乐团, 以及室内风组织阿玛蒂.

Our 风乐团 is recognized as a worldwide leader in the commissioning and performance of new works. Included within these commissions are Jennifer Higdon’s Aspire (written for the 2022 WASBE Conference in Prague), 詹姆斯·斯蒂芬森’s “This is Most Certainly True” (written for the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Church), Alex Shapiro’s “Liquid Compass” (written for the 140th anniversary of the Carthage Band), 安德烈·普雷文的《bv伟德ios下载》,史黛西·加罗普的《bv伟德ios下载》,和希望的《伟德手机APP》.” To celebrate 150 Years of Carthage Women, the College commissioned works by Judy Bozone (“Rise Up!”), Jocelyn Hagen (“Shieldmaiden”), and Sydney Kjerstad (“Talitha Cumi”).

To commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Carthage Bands, 学院, 音乐系, 和校友委托蒂莫西·马赫创作了一部重要的新作品, “第一幕:坚韧.” This was premiered at the gala anniversary concert on May 11, 2024.

除了, the 风乐团 has specialized in the production of silent film accompaniments created for regional tours — “The General” and “Metropolis.” Performances of the 风乐团 have been heard at the 2009 and 2014 Conferences of the 威斯康星州consin 音乐 Educators and the 2011 Convention of the National Band Association’s 威斯康星州consin Chapter. In 2017, the 风乐团 performed at Orchestra Hall at Symphony Center in Chicago.

The band has a long and distinguished history of 服务 to Carthage and the artistic life of the communities of 出赛, 威斯康星州.以及伊利诺斯州的bv伟德ios下载., 并一直保持着丰富的中西部旅游传统, 以及在日本的国际游学. Our 管乐团 and 风乐团 also host the annual Lakeside Band Festival.

This year’s guest conductor for the Band Festival is Karen Fannin. Our guest conductors include James Barnes, Andrew Boysen Jr., 比尔康纳, 约翰DeMeij, 埃文·费尔德曼, 拉尔夫Hultgren, 利比拉森, 蒂莫西·玛鲁, 乔纳森•纽曼, 詹姆斯·斯蒂芬森, 弗兰克Ticheli, 和达纳·威尔逊. The Carthage band claims as one of its most outstanding alumni the composer David Uber.



Simply put, a wind orchestra is a group of musicians playing wind and 打击乐器 instruments. However, the wind orchestra includes only the composer’s specified instrumentation. Moreover, the wind orchestra layers the timbres of each instrument, rather than mixing them. Finally, the wind orchestra places optimal value on the expressive contribution of each member. The primary advantage of a wind orchestra is that it can change timbre based on the style of composition. 奖学金 to play in the 风乐团 are available for both music majors and non-majors. Our 风乐团 rehearsals are 75 minutes, meeting three times each week.

售票员: 詹姆斯·雷普利教授


The 管乐团 carries on the band’s long tradition of performing works of historical importance as well as a variety of outstanding new compositions. Symphonic band principles are utilized to formulate the sound of this ensemble. 音乐 education students regularly rehearse and conduct the 管乐团 in concert, 在与主任协商后. 奖学金 to play in the 管乐团 are available for both music majors and non-majors. Our 管乐团 rehearsals are 60 minutes, meeting twice each week.

售票员: 詹姆斯·雷普利教授


This small chamber ensemble is a flexible instrumentation group that performs as special repertoire selections require. 真正的混搭, 阿玛蒂由木管乐器组成, 黄铜, 打击乐器, 字符串, 键盘乐器. 尽可能多, 缩写词背后的“意义”, not only describes the one to a part performance concept but also the degree of musicianship required of its players and the musical friendship between them.


Carthage music ensembles regularly tour internationally, nationally, and regionally. The 风乐团 is the primary touring ensemble in the instrumental area.

近年来,管乐团在中西部地区巡回演出, 中东, 美国东南部和西南部, 六次去日本. 管乐团将于2024年1月重返日本.

风乐团 tours specialize in developing historical presentations, such as the 2014 program for a 28-piece “military band” of the early 20th century, or silent film theatre orchestra settings for classics like “Metropolis” or “The General.” The 2022 tour to Phoenix featured music from the Lenten season.


The vision of the BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Band program is that it will be the exemplar of private school instrumental music education in the United States. 实现这一愿景的方法包括:

  • Developing each student’s own musical potential to the fullest degree.
  • Promoting imagination and creativity in all manner of communication.
  • Dual emphasis on chamber music and large ensemble performance.
  • Rehearsal approaches that support teacher training and music education, 以及模范的绩效标准.
  • 风乐团 methodology for ensemble sound in a premier ensemble.
  • 音乐会乐队有机会体验交响乐的声音.
  • 灵活的排演时间表.
  • 通过旅游和外展拓展视野, 服务, and community Interacting and performing with world-class musicians.
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